3 Drills to Practice with a Handgun

You’ve heard the saying that “practice makes perfect”, for firearm training the saying should be more like “perfect practice makes perfect.” Focusing on ensuring you’re practicing sound fundamentals is key whether your practicing grip control, trigger control, or any other shooting principle. This extends to the the training drills you practice as well.

To become proficient and stay proficient with using a handgun as a means of self-defense you should vary your shooting training drills from time-to-time. Three drills that are simple, effective, and easy to incorporate into your training routine are listed below.

The Dot Drill

  • Target(s): 1, with six vitals zones (dots) in a 2 x 3 formation.
  • Distance: 7 yards
  • Rounds Fired: 36
  • Starting position: Facing targets, with gun in holster.

In a ready position that is most comfortable to the shooter, he or she must draw his or her gun from the holster and fire a shot at one of the dots, and place the gun back into his or her holster, before firing another shot.

This is a basic drill, meant to be an easy procedure for firing at a target from more than 20 feet away. Shooters can practice this drill to time their shots and hope to improve on their speed, accuracy, and handling of their gun.

The 3 X 5 Card Drill

  • Target(s): 15, in a 3 x 5 formation.
  • Distance: 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 yards respectively; 3 targets each distance.
  • Rounds Fired: 30S
  • tarting position: Any

The shooter can practice shooting from varied distances with this drill. At the shooter’s own timing, he or she fires 2 rounds at each target. The shooter must start at the closest targets at 3 yards away, and if all shots make their marks, the shooter moves on to the next targets further down, making his or her way to more difficult targets, meant to improve the shooter’s accuracy and focus.

The El Prez (also known as the El Presidente)

  • Target(s): 3, with a shoulder’s length in between one another.
  • Distance: 10 yards
  • Rounds Fired: 12
  • Starting position: Handgun concealed, back to targets, hands up in the air.

At the starting signal, quickly turn to face the targets, draw your handgun, and fire two rounds each at the three targets. Each target should be hit four times. For a successful procedure, all shots must be fired in less than 10 seconds and each round hitting the vital zones within the targets.This is a great drill to practice in case of multiple attackers threatening the individual, or the party of an individual. Such instances would include a group robbery attempt.

Lastly, if you’re looking for a good entry level handgun as a new shooter or a reliable but aggressively priced handgun to add to your collection it’s hard to go wrong with the Taurus Millennium 9mm.